Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Forever family

I am so happy to announce that Lauren's forever family has found her. I am so thankful that she will be raised by a loving christian family who loves and serves the Lord. Please continue to pray and financially support her adoption. This family needs your help so they can bring Lauren home as soon as possible.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where it started

 This is an entry in my journal from January 14, 2011.

A few days ago I came across a blog where a woman was raising funds for a baby boy with Down Syndrome to be adopted. The boy was from a website called Reece's Rainbow. A woman who lives in Maryland started this site to help children with special needs around the world find adoptive loving parents. You can make donations to each child towards their adoption. The first little guy that tugged on my heart was Noah, he has problems with his heart and aorta. The second was a beautiful little girl Sophia, who bless her heart has the worst case of cleft lip I have ever seen. I don't know where she is from or how she is being taken care of. I don't know if she is receiving the surgeries she needs to correct this problem. She also has FAS fetal alcohol syndrome. Her mother was drinking and doing drugs while pregnant. How awful that this child has to live with the repercussions of her mother's mindless actions. It just breaks my heart. I was up until 1am reading story after story and looking at these precious faces. It tore at my heart. I could not keep back the tears. I longed to hold each one of them, to comfort them and let them know that someone cares for them and loves them. They have no hope where they are at. Many of the children with problems are just put away in a "laying room". They are kept in cribs all day long only to be taken out to be fed or changed. They are given heavy sedation drugs to be given "best sleep" they call it. Parents of children about to be adopted who go to meet their children and spend time getting to know them are not permitted to pick up any of the other children. Heart wrenching. I can not imagine not being able to show a child love right in front of me, holding out their arms to be picked up. It rips my heart right out. A lot of these children need surgeries and therapy. They are becoming more delayed because of where they are kept. Even more horrible than the current situation they are in is where they are going once they turn 4 or 5 years old. Many are transferred to an adult mental institution where they are likely to die at a very young age. I don't understand why these children have to go through such difficulties, but the Lord knows. He is still in charge of all things great and small. We don't always see things the way that he does. His plan is greater than ours. He knows exactly what is going on, but he is looking to us. We are his hands and feet here on earth. We were placed here for him by him to do greater works than we could ever imagine. He will equip us if we are called. He said he would never give us more than we could handle.  If we have a burden I believe it is given by the Lord. He is waiting to see who will act, who will go, who will help.